The 5 fundamental keys to developing your personal brand on and off the internet

The 5 fundamental keys to developing your personal brand on and off the internet

The 5 fundamental keys to developing your personal brand on and off the internet

A Personal brand is one of the main causes for professionals to have better employment and development opportunities in today’s market; That’s why you should consider how to add it inside and outside the Internet. Read on to know the 5 fundamental keys to developing your personal brand on and off the internet

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First of all, we will see what is the definition of “personal brand”. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, said that this is “other people’s understanding and evaluation of you when you are not present”. We can add that this is DNA and your fingerprints. Through your identity as a person and what you do in daily activities, others can gain more knowledge. So you can conquer a space on their attention radar. This will lead to better professional opportunities, suggestions, projects, and expand your skills and talents.

Because if we know anything, it is that your skills can be the best; However, if no one knows and recognizes your work, you can hardly find better opportunities.

This has nothing to do with your career itself because you can become the best broadcaster, the best writer, the best barber, the best teacher, or the most reputed doctor. However, if you don’t even share the Internet, deliver content in conversations and meetings, accept interviews in the media, or publish valuable topics on social media, You are probably one of many unknown professionals.

5 tips for developing a personal brand inside and outside the Internet

Not everything happens through the image, but through the essence and the difference, you make to who you are, and how you do value in front of the person you want to convey the message.

Here are five tips to help you:

1. Always train in your area of expertise

Training your basic skills will not only make you a better professional. It also lets you continue to improve new aspects of what you already know how to do.

Although this skill involves more than technical training, you also need to train skills related to personal brand development. Skills such as public speaking, NLP, writiang, confident communication, marketing, and advertising courses. Doing so can improve your standards and soft skills to a new personal and professional level.

2. Make an offline event calendar

To carry out face-to-face and virtual activities, we need to organize the themes and resources needed to carry out the activities in advance. That’s why I suggest you take some time to properly plan your next face-to-face event and what dynamics are most effective when you have to interact with an audience without a screen.

Face-to-face activities are a good way to develop your professional skills and make your ideas, opinions, experience, and information well known. This is offline personal brand promotion.

In this connection, I suggest you attend exhibitions, exhibitions, speeches, and even start your career as a speaker at conferences in your professional field. This will put you in a reference position and they will gradually understand you.

3. Start your own podcast

In addition to YouTube channels (if you already have YouTube channels; if you don’t, it’s time to start) or face-to-face activities, another good option to continue to develop your personal brand and contribution is to be able to track conversations and develop your ideas in more entertaining forms, such as podcasts and pure audio interviews. You can also explore clubhouse-style pure audio applications that are making a huge sensation.

The Podcast has become a very popular format because of its convenience and practicability because we can listen to and pay attention to specific topics at any time. More importantly, you can record videos while registering materials, upload them to large podcast platforms, and then upload them to YouTube channels to add other valuable content to your audience.

4. Create value for your social network to develop your personal brand

If your strength or advantage lies in the live display, don’t ignore your personal brand on social networks. Although this topic is more in-depth in my book personal brand: when the product is you, what I want to recommend here is about the high-value content you already know how to do and what will really change your competitors and the contribution you must make to your followers.

Define the social networks you want to join; Prepare a content calendar around your professional theme; And talk to the community you’re going to build. You can also provide feedback through live broadcasts. (“lives”), which will bring you closer to people.

Your personal brand will have more chances to develop in the Internet world to the extent that You can formulate strategies based on providing useful, high-quality, and continuous information. Do it.

5. Bring your offline followers to the online world and bring your online followers to the offline world

In fact, the former point is closely related to this proposal. If you can take people who follow you on social media to your offline activities and do the same to people who follow you from the offline world, so that they can see you living on social networks, you will have an excellent opportunity to continue to develop and build your reputation in both worlds.

Social networks and the actions you take are the two pillars of your personal brand strategy. However, you must also remember that humility, service to others, empathy, and confident communication are essential for others to follow you and learn from you.

Borja Vilaseca, a Spanish lecturer, communicator, and author, promised that “personal brand is the new university diploma of this century”. We may agree with this statement or may not agree, although the fact seems to be that without your brand, you will not get enough recognition to reach a new level in your current career. This is a necessary time to develop it every day.

Obviously, everything you do must be supported by facts: This is the most powerful, real, and concrete thing you do.

When you develop your personal brand, your personal brand will be given a thousand times the power; This is a process that requires perseverance and patience before and after because the results are established over time.

Be aware of this and remember how you want those who see, read, pay attention to and listen to you every day to remember you.

We would love to hear about your ideas, suggestions, and questions regarding fundamental keys to developing your personal brand on and off the internet. So feel free to contact us.

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